This chapter showcases Acorn's features using code examples and hyperlinks to the appropriate detailed documentation.


# Line comments start with a '#' and continue to end of line

Block comments start and end with three '#' symbols in a row.
They can span multiple lines.

Literal values: Each comment specifies the type of the values.

null          # Null
true, false   # Bool
123, -3       # Integer
3.4, 0.3E-2   # Float
'sum'         # Symbol
"Χαίρετε"     # Text

# Text values are mutable, Text literals are not.
# Text literals may use escape sequences and span multiple lines
#   (all control characters are stripped)
"A line.\n\tIndented line\n
\t\"Another line\u00BF\""


# Global variables start with a capital letter or $
Integer       # Capital letter globals are used for types
$, $window    # $ globals hold environment values

# Local and closure variables start with lower case letter, unicode value or _
balance, π, temp2, toReturn, _temp_, funny?

Assignment: Assignments may be placed within expressions.

a = 3.4         # a now holds the Integer 3.4
a,b = b,a       # parallel assignment (this swaps their values)
a = b = c       # a and b now have the value found in c
a = (b = c) + 1 # assignments may be embedded in expressions
a += 1          # operator assignment, incrementing value of a

Property or Method Use

# Property names begin with a lowercase letter
child.lastname = parent.lastname   # properties may be retrieved or assigned

# Method names begin with a uppercase letter or symbol
list.Sort             # parameters may be omitted
list.Find('banana')   # parameters may be provided
number.'+'(1)         # single quotes when method name is not like a variable
(2).(op)(3)           # Calculated method. Result is 6 when op='*'
frosty.Jump(10).Yell("Ow!").Grow(0.9)  # Method chaining

# Shortcuts:
funccall(a)           # Equivalent to self.funccall(a)
letters[5]            # Index. Equivalent to letters.'[]'(5)
glyphs[4] = "π"       # Uses the setter method for '[]': glyphs.'[]'("π", 4)
+List('a','b')        # Creates a new list. Equivalent to: List.New('a', 'b')
+Regex"abc"           # Equivalent to Regex.New("abc")
1 .. 4                # equivalent to: +Range(1,4)

# Arithmetic operators
a+b*c                 # equivalent to a.'+'(b.'*'(c))

Method Definition: Methods are always anonymous first-class values

# [] begins a method declaration and encloses parameter variables
#    undeclared parameter 'self' is always received
#    parameter b defines a default value: b=1 if b===null
#    '...' indicates variable number of additional parameters
newfunc = [a, b=1, ...]
	# method's body is a statement block with tab-indented lines
	# each line's statement implicitly ends with ';'
	local c,d = 4,'abc'     # declare and initialize local variables 'c' and 'd'
	a = sum(self, a, ...)   # pass variable parameters on to sum method
	a*b, c+d.size           # implicitly return two values
(5).newfunc(3, 2, 5, 7)     # returns 40, 7 (5 is treated as self's value)
newfunc(3)                  # returns 10, 7 (if self is 7 when called)

Closure Definition: Closures bind their state by value

# Explicitly declared closure: +[ ] encloses closure variables
# Note: explicit is only way to bind 'self' in closure (e.g., for event handling)
next = +[count=0] []
	count += 1  $ increment and return count
next() # 1
next() # 2

# Implicitly defined closure - equivalent to above
count = 0
next = []
	# since 'count' is declared before method, this wraps method within a closure
	# 'count' is treated as a closure variable whose value is bound to 0
	count += 1  # increment and return count

Get/set Closure: Useful for computed properties

# This get/set closure binds the 'count' closure variable to two methods
iter = +[count=0]
	[] { count += 1; }
	[v] { count = v; }

# Using the closure
iter() # 1 - uses the 'get' method
iter() # 2
iter() = 0 # reset counter to 0 - uses the 'set' method
iter() # 1 - count starts over

Yielder Definition: (methods that preserve execution state; co-routines)

fibo: *[start=1, inc=0]
	while true
		yield start
		start,inc = start+inc, start

fiboi = fibo() # Create a new yielder iterator
fiboi(), fiboi(), fiboi(), fiboi(), fiboi()    # 1, 1, 2, 3, 5

Conditions and if:

# if block
if needs_more?        # fails when false or null, succeeds otherwise
elif shape==='square' # exact equivalence: same object
	shape = 'rectangle'
elif height<5.4       # Uses '<=>' method: -1/less, 0/equal, 1/more, null/uncomparable
elif 5 ~~ 1 .. 7        # match operator. Equivalent to +Range(1,7).'~~'(5)
	"I knew that"
elif a or b and not c # boolean operators

# three ways to assign a default value to 'a' if it is null
a = a ? a else 1     # ternary operator
a = 1 if not a       # if clause
a = a or 1           # boolean expression

match block:

# match applies '~~' method to each 'with' value
match ship.speed
with 0.0 .. 1.5
	ship.state = 'landing'
with 1.5 .. 4.0
	ship.state = 'crashing'
	ship.state = 'flattened'


x = 0
while x<=10
	x += 1
	continue if x===3     # 'continue' goes back to start of loop
	Vm.Log("DANGER, DANGER! Will Robinson")
	break if x===5        # 'break' halts loop
# while clause
item = get_next() while item!='slurpy'

'this' blocks:

npcs[i]                   # establishes value of 'this' for following block
	.Jump(10.)            # equivalent to: this.Jump(10.)
	shape = .shape        # equivalent to: shape = this.shape

# Use 'this' blocks to build multi-layered, typed content
smaug = +Dragon
	name: "Smaug"         # equivalent to: this::name="Smaug"
	color: 'green'
	loot: +List           # 'this' = the new List for following block
		<< 'gem'              # appends 'gem' to the smaug.loot list
		<< 'ring'             # equivalent to: this.'<<'('ring')

Iteration and 'each':

# Calculate 30 using 'each' block
sum = 0
each n in 1 .. 10
	if n.Even?
		sum += n

sum += n if n.Even? each n in 1 .. 10  # equivalent, using 'each' clause

# 'each' iterates over collections
yield item each item in list           # uses list.Each to create closure iterator for list
yield key,value each key:value in index
vm.Log(msg) each msg in ...            # iterate over variable parameters

# Use 'each' with 'this' blocks to build procedural content
# This creates a list of fibonacci integers from 1 to 89 (<100)
fiblist = +List
	each n in fibo()      # 'each' works with yielders/closures
		break if n>100
		<< n

Types: Prototypes, Mixins, Classes

# Create a new type derived from Character
WingedHorse = +Character
	.Mixin FlyingMount             # add mixin for multiple inheritance
	sprite: winghorse_image        # inherited property
	Launch: []                     # inherited method
		velocity.Delta(0., 5.)
	joy: +[_joy]                  # inherited computed property
		[] {_joy}
		[v] {_joy=v if v~~1 .. 5} # domain validation

# Create an instance of WingedHorse
pegasus = +WingedHorse
	name: "Pegasus"
	joy: 5
	position: +Xy(200, 0)          # Initialize starting position
	.Launch                        # Use inherited method to launch him flying

Programs and Resources: Acorn programs are "snap-together" resources (files)

# This Acorn program's url is
# A programs is a method that is run when loaded. Its return value is the value of the program.
# This program implicitly returns a new Character type (WingedHorse)
	.Mixin @flyingmount            # get mixin from flyingmount.acn
	sprite: @images/winghorse.gif  # get image from relative url
	Launch: []                     # inherited method
		velocity.Delta(0., 5.)
	joy: +[_joy]                  # inherited computed property
		[] {_joy}
		[v] {_joy=v if v~~1 .. 5} # domain validation

Another program uses the value from the above program:

# This Acorn program's url is
+@wingedhorse                      # use type defined in named program (above)
	name: "Pegasus"
	joy: 5
	position: +Xy(200, 0)          # Initialize starting position
	.Launch                        # Use inherited method to launch him flying
