The previous chapter showed how to call a method. This chapter shows how to specify the executable logic that transforms a method's provided parameters into the value(s) returned.

Acorn supports three types of executable methods.

Like everything in Acorn, all three types of methods are implemented as first-class values. The value that represents a specific method can be stored in a variable, passed to another method as a parameter, returned by a method, called, or have properties or methods applied to it. Use the '.callable?' property to determine if a value is an executable method.

This chapter shows how to define the procedural logic for all three types of methods. Along the way it explains parameters (including self), local and closure variables (including declaration), the statement block, the return statement, and the use of 'yield' in yielders.

This chapter only deals with methods as standalone (anonymous) values. Please refer to the Type Definition chapter to see how to assemble named properties and methods into a type.

Method Definition

Let's begin with the Method, the simplest and purest type of executable method. It is the foundation on which Closures and Yielders are built. It keeps no state from one use to the next and is completely synchronous, only returning to its caller when it has completely finished its work.

As mentioned earlier, the definition of the procedural logic for every Method is captured as an anonymous value. To assign a "name" to a Method, simply store the Method's value within a variable or property. A Method's defined logic is not performed when defined. To perform its logic, you simply specify its value followed by passed parameters enclosed in parentheses (as explained in the previous chapter). For example:

# Define the 'square' Method, and assign its value to the variable square
square = [a]
	return a*a

# Use square's method to calculate the area of a circle	
area = Float.pi * square(r)

This shows the two parts of an Method definition:

Parameter Declaration

In the simplest case, the declaration of a Method's parameters is a comma-separated list of variable names, enclosed in square brackets. Each parameter variable corresponds on a one-to-one basis to the values passed to the function when it is called. If more values are passed than declared, the excess values are ignored. If the caller does not pass enough values, all remaining parameter variables are given the value 'null'.

# Define a method that returns the addition of its two parameters
add = [a,b]

add(2,3)  # returns 5, since a is set to 2 and b to 3
add(2)    # returns null, since a is 2 and unpassed b is null
add("x","y","z")  # return "ab", as a is "x", b is "y" and "z" is ignored

Within the statement block, a parameter variable is treated just like a local variable. This means its value can be changed. Changing a parameter variable's value has no effect on the caller. However, any change to a passed value's content, such as altering values within a collection, will continue to persist for the caller. However, all atomic values passed as parameters, such as numbers, are just copies, so changes to these parameter values have no effect on the corresponding values in the caller.

weird = [a,b]
	b = 4

text = "abc"
number = 3
weird(text, number)
# text is now "xbc". number is still 3

Parameter Initialization

If desired, default values may be specified for any parameter value after the assignment operator '='. The default value is what we want the parameter to have if its passed or implied value is 'null'. The expression that follows the '=' is calculated within the context of the method, rather than the caller.

sq = [a=0]

# is equivalent to:
sq = [a]
	a=a or 0   # Uses a, or else 0 (if a is null) 

Variable parameter splat (...)

To enable a method to receive a variable number of parameters, declare '...' after the last named parameter value.

Within the method's code body, use the '...' pseudo-variable to access its values. The only sure way to obtain all its values (if you have no idea how many were passed) is to iterate through them using an 'each' block.

Additionally, '...' may also be used anywhere a pseudo-variable is allowed. In most cases, its value will be the first value of the variable parameters. However, when specified by itself or at the end of a comma-separated list of values, '...' will evaluate to all (or some of) the values it holds:

This example demonstrates all those situations:

# this method accepts variable number of parameters, because of the ... after 'a'
sum = [a, ...]
	x = ... + 1                 # Only gets the first value of ...
	log("doing sum of ", ...)	# pass all variable parameters on to log
	a, b = ...                  # sets a and b to the first two values of ...
	'a', ...                    # return 'a' followed by all the variable parameters

self variable

The self pseudo-variable is a hidden parameter that is always passed to every method. If a method is called using the '.' operator, the passed value of 'self' will be the base value to the left of the '.' operator. However, if a method is called directly, the passed value of 'self' will be the current value of 'self'.

user = [x]
	sq = []
	dir = sq()      # direct call passes user's self as self
	obj = x.(sq)()  # object call passes x as self
	dir, obj        # return both calculated values

(2).(user)(3)  # returns 4, 9

In order to preserve and use the value of 'self' in use when the method is created (which event handlers require), use a closure (see below).

Unlike other parameter values, the value assigned to self cannot be changed.

Statement Block

The indented statements that follow the parameter definition are the statement block. Let's cover three important aspects of a method's statement block: the type of statements it contains, declaring local variables, and specifying the method's return value.

Statements in a Block

A block is a indented sequence of statements that are intended to be performed one after another. The not-indented line that precedes the indented statements is considered part of the block, as it provides important context for how those indented statements are performed. In addition to method blocks, Acorn offers other types of blocks. The type of the block is distinguished by its first token (e.g., 'if', 'while', 'each).

Each statement in a block is either a solitary statement or a sub-block (noticeable via increased indentation). In most cases, a solitary expression is just an expression or variable assignment. However, a solitary statement can also be one of the following (distinguished by the first token of the statement):

Local variable declaration

Local variables (as introduced earlier) are named stores for values, allocated anew for each call of the method whose statements manipulate their values. A method's parameters are considered to be local variables, declared by the method's parameter list. Methods do not preserve state between uses, so this collection of values goes away when the Method is finished.

local is used to explicitly declare local variables:

# define a method that accepts two parameters
	local div = a / b
	local sum, mult = a + b, a * b
	return sum, mult

This method declares five local variables: 'div', 'sum', 'mult' and the parameters 'a' and 'b'. As this example shows, local can assign an initial value for the local variable. If no initial value is assigned, the declared local variable will be initialized to null. local also supports the comma-separated declaration and initialization of multiple variables in a single statement.

Although local variables do not have to be declared before they are used, doing so provides several safety benefits:

Return Statement

A return statement may be placed anywhere within a method. When return is encountered, execution of the method ceases and all comma-separated values specified after return are returned to the caller. Acorn automatically converts a return statement that calls a single method into a "tail call". This optimization helps ensure that recursive methods do not overrun the execution stack.

In the absence of an explicit return statement at the end of the method, the following implicit return rules are applied depending on the method's final statement:

Note: If a method is not normally expected to return a value, it can be helpful for it to explicitly return self, as doing this facilitates method call chaining.

Recursive Methods and selfmethod

Acorn allows a method to call itself recursively. Recursive object-oriented calls work as expected:

# Add factorial to the Integer type
	Fact:= [prod=1]
		return prod if self<=1
		.Fact(self-1, prod*self)
(4).Fact   # 24
However, recursive direct method calls won't work when done the "obvious" way:

# This factorial generator won't work
fact = [x, prod=1]
	return prod if x<=1
	fact(x-1, prod*x)  # it fails here

It fails because the Method refers to a local variable (fact) defined outside that method. Acorn will treat this an implicit closure variable (see below), which might be fine, but ... The value of the local variable fact at the time the closure is created is still null (as the value of fact is not loaded until after the closure is fully created). So, this code will effectively call null in the last line, which does nothing.

The fool-proof way to fix this is to use the pseudo-variable selfmethod instead. 'selfmethod' refers to the currently running method, so calling it effectively always performs a recursive call:

fact = [x, prod=1]
	return prod if x<=1
	selfmethod(x-1, prod*x)  # this works

Note: Acorn performs automatic tail-call optimization to reduce the execution context impact of recursive calls. In order for tail-call optimization to work, the recursive call needs to be the only thing the method's final return statement evaluates to return its value.

Closure Definition

A Closure binds a specific state (a collection of values) to one or two stateless Methods (they may not be Closures or Yielders). The Closure's logic may retrieve or alter its state's values using closure variables.

Because closures preserve state information, they are used to implement:

Explicit Closure Definition

The clearest way to define a closure is explicitly. Use '+[ ]' to enclose declarations for the closure's closure variables and initialize their bound values. Follow that with a declaration for the Method that provides the logic for the Closure:

# Define a closure with one state value: the closure variable count
# (notice we must also separately declare the Method's passed parameters)
next = +[count=0] [incr=1]
	count = count + incr

# Use/call the 'next' closure:
# Note: the returned value keeps increasing because of the closure's preserved state
next()  # 1
next(2) # 3

As with method parameter definitions, the closure variable definitions name each closure variable to the left of the '=', followed by an expression that calculates its initial value to the right. Unlike parameter definitions, the initializing expressions for closure variables are calculated within the scope of the outer method as part of creating the closure. Thus, those expressions may use values local to that outer method.

If a closure variable specifies no initial value (e.g., 'count'), it is treated as if it had been specified as: 'count=count', effectively copying the value of count in the outer method into a closure variable used by the closure's method.

Using the Closure performs the appropriate Method, giving it ready access to the closure variables. The Method can freely change the value of these closure variables as needed. Unlike local variables, closure variables preserve their values across successive uses of the Closure. They only go away when the Closure does.

Explicit declaration of closure variables offers several benefits:

Note: A Closure may be created that uses a method defined elsewhere. To do this, follow the closure variable declaration with an expression that evaluates to a Method, rather than explicitly using an anonymous Method declaration. Make sure the expression's computed method has the same closure variable signature as the declaration, or unusual results may result.

Binding 'self' in a closure

Acorn allows the value of 'self' to be explicitly named and bound as part of a closure. Event handlers benefit from this capability, as it allows event handling code to work with the same 'self' value as the running method that created the handler. When 'self' is explicitly bound to a closure, the value of 'self' normally passed to that closure is effectively ignored in favor of the bound value.

# Define a method that returns a closure
factory = []
	# this closure binds 'self' to factory's 'self' value
	+[self] []
		self * self

clo = (4).(factory)()  # Use 'factory' to create a closure that binds 4 to self
clo()                  # returns 16
(3).(clo)()            # returns 16 (ignores the 3)

Implicit Closure Definition

Like other languages, Acorn also supports the implicit creation of closures, thereby avoiding having to explicitly declare the closure variables. Implicit closures look just like a Method definition except for one difference: they refer to local variables declared in the outer, enclosing method. For example:

# Because 'next's method references the program's 'count' variable, 
# it is created as a Closure (rather than a Method)
count = 0
next = []
	count = count + 1  # count here becomes a closure variable

# The results from using the Closure (it is called the same way as a Method)
next() # 1
next() # 2
next() # 3

# The 'count' closure variable inside the Closure is a copy. 
# Thus, the original 'count' local variable's value is unchanged.
count  # 0

The closure variable declaration for an implicit closure is the same as if one explicitly listed all the outer variable's in order of their first use within the closure. Thus, the above example's closure is equivalent to an explicit closure that specifies '+[count]' (or, more completely: '+[count=count]').

As this example shows, Acorn binds closure variables by value, not by reference. Thus, the 'count' closure variable inside the closure refers to a different value than the local variable in the outer variable. The closure variable starts its life as a copy. Subsequent changes to the closure variable do not affect the outer variable, or vice versa. This is a different behavior that the bind by reference approach used by most other languages.

One key benefit of bind by value is that it avoids the often confusing "shared binding" problem that bind by reference encounters when creating multiple closures iteratively.

Get/set Closure Definition

One of Acorn's innovative features is being able to bind two Methods into a single Closure value, both sharing the same bound closure variable values. The 'get' Method is performed whenever the Closure is used to retrieve a value. The 'set' Method is performed when the closure is used to the left of an assignment operator. This is classic get/set behavior, powered by a Closure, and used to implement computed properties.

For example:

# Create a get/set closure that binds the 'count' closure variable to two methods
iter = +[count=0]
	# This method gets a value from the Closure
	[] { count += 1; }
	# This method sets the Closure's value to v
	[v] { count = v; }

# Using the Closure
iter() # 1
iter() # 2
iter() = 0 # reset counter to 0
iter() # 1 - count starts over

To build a get/set Closure, follow the closure variable declaration with a block. Within the block, specify the definitions for the 'get' and 'set' Methods, as shown above.

The get and set methods can define multiple parameters, if desired. The set method should always define at least one parameter, and one more than explicitly passed to it when used. This is because its first parameter receives the right hand value from the assignment expression.

Explicit and implicit singleton closures, as described earlier, are really just get/set Closures with only the 'get' method defined. If you try to assign a value to a singleton Closure (as with a Method), nothing happens. Closures without a set method may be used to implement read-only (immutable) properties.

Yielder Definition

Like a Closure, a Yielder preserves its state between uses, but does so in a different way. Rather than using closure variables, it preserves its entire execution state (context). Other programming languages offer a similar capability using a different name, such as generator, co-routine, fiber or green thread.

Think of a Yielder as like a person, preserving any work-in-process from one job to the next. The relationship it has with its caller is like that between an inventory employee and a customer. The customer makes a request of the yielder then waits while the yielder retrieves a value. Once delivered, the yielder is put on hold while the customer goes off to play with the delivered value. Although only one of them can be active at a time, they have separate workspaces. Crucially, the yielder remembers all they know and where they are, while patiently awaiting the next customer request.

A Yielder is preferable to a Closure whenever the logic would be convoluted and hard to understand if every use required it to start over again from the beginning or required the logic to be divided across multiple methods (although one should never underestimate the expressive power of a well-designed state machine). Yielders are useful for:

Yielder example using 'yield'

This yielder generates the integers from a Fibonacci sequence one-at-a-time:

# Define a yielder method
fibonacci = *[start=1, inc=0]
	while true
		yield start
		start,inc = start+inc, start

A yielder method definition looks like a method, marked by the '*' in front of the square bracket. The yielder method must not be an implicit closure that references variables outside its lexical scope. Acorn will generate a compile error if this is detected.

Unlike a regular method, calling a yielder method does not perform the specified method logic. What it does is create and return a brand new yielder context:

# Create a yielder context by calling the yielder method
fibo = fibonacci()

Calling the returned yielder context is what actually performs the method logic:

# Call the yielder context to generate the next value in a sequence
fibo()  # 1
fibo()  # 1
fibo()  # 2
fibo()  # 3
fibo()  # 5

Yielders make use of yield as an in-process 'return'. It suspends the yielder's execution and returns the specified value ('start') to the caller. Subsequent calls to the yielder continue right where it left off.

Initializing the Yielder Context

Transforming a yielder method into a yielder context before we can use it may seem silly at first. We do it this way because yielders preserve state. If we want to re-use a yielder's logic many times, this approach makes it possible to start each use with a yielder context whose execution and data state starts from the beginning. The yielder method acts like a factory, each call producing a sparkly new, ready-to-use yielder context.

Parameters may be specified on the yielder method call. These values initialize (bind to) the yielder method's parameters (and self) in the new yielder context:

fibo = fibonacci(2,4)
fibo()  # 2
fibo()  # 6
fibo()  # 8

Note: Yielders are commonly used as iterators within 'each' blocks. Under the covers, the 'each' block automatically creates a new yielder context each time the loop is started. See this section to view an example of this.

Passing values back-and-forth

'yield' does more then return one or more values to the caller, it also receives values passed back from subsequent calls that resume the yielder. This mechanism allows values to be exchanged between a caller and a yielder.

It is important to understand that the first call to a yielder context works differently from all subsequent calls. Any values specified on the first yielder call are effectively ignored since the iterator is just getting started and has not yet run across its first 'yield'. By contrast, parametric values on all subsequent yielder calls are returned as values from the yield which suspended the yielder's execution (just as if they were return values from a method call).

Additionally, during execution of a yielder, 'return' works just like 'yield', with one important exception: 'return' will change the yielder's status to 'done' and not allow it to be called again.

This following example demonstrates the back-and-forth exchange of values between caller and yielder:

# Define a ridiculous yielder
sillyyielder = *[x]
	local a = yield 2,x
	local b = yield a+10
	yield a+b

# Use it
silly = sillyyielder(9)
silly.status   # returns 'ready'
silly() # returns 2,9
silly.status   # returns 'active'
silly(3) # returns 13
silly(1) # returns 4
silly()  # returns 9
silly.status   # returns 'done'

Notice how the status of the yielder changes from 'ready', when created, to 'active' after first use, to 'done', when method does a return instead of a yield. Any attempt to use a yielder in 'done' state simply returns a null value.

Initializing a Yielder's State

Creation of a yielder is somewhat expensive, as memory has to be allocated for both its execution and data state. To avoid having to create a new Yielder every time we want a new Fibonacci stream, we can use the .Reset method to re-initialize a yielder back to its initial condition, ready for re-use.

Thus, after using silly once above, we can easily re-use it:

silly.status   # returns 'ready'
silly() # returns 2,9

.Reset has another use: If parameters are specified on .Reset, they will bind to the method's parameter values, thereby avoiding the need for the first 'yield' call to set these values. Unusually, it is critical to remember that the first value must specify the value for 'self':

silly.Reset(self, 5)
silly.status   # returns 'active'
silly() # returns 2,5
