Acorn's modularity features make it easy to divide a complex model into separately-built parts that automatically and seamlessly snap together when the model is run. The heart of this scheme is that every part is a resource (file) that has its own unique URL address. When a model is run, all its resources are automatically loaded and converted into an Acorn value for each part. These part values are substituted into the model everywhere the parts' resources are referenced. As much as possible, Acorn tries to hide the complexity of Internet-based resource retrieval behind a simple syntax.

The Basic Idea

Let's start with a very simple example, an Acorn program that references a picture on the Internet:

myphoto = @

The '@' operator obtains the value of the resource located at the specified URL. Acorn loads that JPEG image from the Internet and decompresses it into a collection of colored pixels. The resulting collection of color pixels is the value of the image resource, which is then stored in the local variable myphoto. It is important to understand that every specified resource is only loaded once. All references to the same resourcce URL point to the same value.

Acorn programs are also resources. The value of a program is obtained in a similar way: The source code for a program is loaded across the Internet. After compilation and linking, the program is run as if all of it was a single anonymous method. The explicit or implicit return value from running the program's method is treated as the value of that Acorn program resource.

Say what? Well, consider this Acorn program located at the address

# Build an return a type that contains a list of squares built elsewhere.
	squares: @squares.acn

It references another Acorn program called squares.acn:

# Build and return a list

Before running main.acn, Acorn will load and run the squares.acn program, whose method implicitly returns a list containing five integers. That list is automatically plugged in as the value of the 'squares' property of main.acn's new Type. With this paradigm, we can see that the typical job of every Acorn program within a model is to build one specific part, whose value it returns back to every other program (part) that refers to it by its URL address.

There is a lot going on behind the scenes of these simple examples, as the following sections describe. However, the basic idea is pretty straightforward: '@' resource references act very much like an Internet-spanning namespace of variables, where the variable's name is the part's URL address and the variable's value is the decoded value for that part. Hidden in this simplicity lies a lot of modularity and power.

Specifying the URL after the '@' operator

The resource's URL address is more accurately called a Internationalized Resource Identifier, as it may include unicode characters. The IRI must immediately follow the '@', and usually begins with a letter or number. The end of the IRI is signalled by a space or the end-of-line.

For example:

	boss: @Γεώργιος

Alternatively, a text string may be used:

	boss: @"Γεώργιος Καζαντζάκης"

Relative Address

The example above is an absolute IRI, as it fully specifies all components of the resource's address (the scheme, domain, and a path from root '/').

Relative addresses are more common. A relative address specifies the path and name of the desired resource relative to baseurl (a pseudo-variable that contains the address of the Acorn program that is making the reference). The absolute IRI of the desired address is formed by replacing the resource's filename and all that follows with the relative address. The relative address may also use '..' to navigate backwards through a baseurl's path.

Here are several examples of relative addresses:

# Assume baseurl is
@icedragon.acn         # Equivalent to:
@breath/poisonmist.acn # Equivalent to:
@../pets/unicorn.acn   $ Equivalent to:

Static vs. Dynamically-loaded Resources

All examples so far have been static, as they specify a literal address hardcoded into the Acorn program. Acorn waits until all of a program's static resources have been loaded (in parallel, if possible) before running the program. If any load fails, the resource is assigned the value of null. In effect, Acorn guarantees all static addresses are resolved to a value before use.

However, if the IRI is specified using an expression (in parentheses), the resource will be dynamically loaded:

@(nextScene)	# the resource's URL is stored in the variable

This starts a dynamic load when encountered, but does not wait for the load to finish before continuing execution. When loading finishes, the return value is essentially ignored. Thus, dynamic loading should only be done with an Acorn program that can act as its own callback, "hooking" content changes to the current model where needed.

Resource Retrieval and Decoding

A IRI/URL contains many components: the scheme, authority (domain name), path, query, and fragment. All play a role in how Acorn retrieves and converts a resource into a value. This work is coordinated under the covers by Acorn's Resource core type.

Scheme Retrieval

An absolute IRI begins with the scheme, typically several letters followed by a colon (':'), such as 'http', 'https', 'file', or 'ftp'. The scheme specifies the technique used to get the resource's byte stream from the specified address (minus any specified fragment). Acorn uses the scheme as an index into Resource.schemes to obtain the Type used to 'get' the requested resource.

For example:

@ # retrieve using Http.Get
@file:///c:/user/sampleworld/world.acn # retrieve using File.Get

Stream Decoding

The extension on the resource's name (the letters following the final '.' in the resource's path name) is meaningful to Acorn, Acorn uses the extension as an index into Resource.extensions to obtain the Type used to decode the resource stream. This type converts the resource's serialized content stream into an internal data structure more amenable to real-time use. If an extension is not specified, '.acn' (an Acorn program) is presumed.

For example:

@dragon  # compiles the dragon.acn Acorn program using AcornProgram.New
@dragon_skin.jpg  # decodes this image using Image.New

Acorn passes the fragment on to the type that decodes the resource's contents, to indicate what sort of return value is desired back. Alternatively, if the resource IRI is followed by a parameters enclosed in parentheses, these parameters are used to guide how the resource stream is converted to a value.

Any resource that cannot be converted is given the value 'null'.

Resource Archives and Compression

Acorn automatically de-compresses any compressed resources.

Acorn also automatically unpacks a resource that is a zip archive containing multiple resources. All resources in the archive are processed appropriately based on their content type extension and relative folder path. Packing multiple related resources into one archive is a great way to significantly reduce resource loading delays.
