A Texture is a color sampler, generally used to color pixels on the surface of a shape.


The two-dimensional RGB image used for a 'Uvmap' mapping.
The two-dimensional RGB image used for the right side of a cubemap. The other five images are named: imageNegX, imagePosY, imageNegY, imagePosZ, and imageNegZ.
How to sample the texture when u,v address covers more than one pixel. The default is 'LinearFilter', which takes the four closest texels and bilinearly interpolates among them. The other option is 'NearestFilter', which uses the value of the closest texel.
Specifies how rendering locates the texture's colors. The default is 'UvMap', using the vertices uv coordinates of the image found in 'image'. 'CubeMap' maps the vertex's position to one of the six images of a cubemap. The filters are set to 'LinearFilter' and the wrap are set to 'ClampToEdge'.
How to sample the texture is sampled when a texel covers less than one pixel. The default is 'LinearMipMapLinear', which uses mipmapping and a trilinear filter. Other choices are 'NearestFilter', 'NearestMipMapNearest', 'NearestMipMapLinear', 'LinearFilter', and 'LinearMipMapNearest'. These vary whether the nearest texel or nearest four texels are retrieved on the nearest mipmap or nearest two mipmaps. Interpolation occurs among the samples retrieved.
If true (the default), automatically generate smaller (faster) versions of the texture to use when far from the eye.
Determines what happens when the 'u' value goes outside the 0.0-1.0 values. The default is 'ClampToEdge'. The values 'Repeat' or 'MirroredRepeat' are also possible. Repetitive tiling of images works only if the image dimensions are a power of two.
Determines what happens when the 'v' value goes outside the 0.0-1.0 values. The default is 'ClampToEdge'. The values 'Repeat' or 'MirroredRepeat' are also possible.