Most 3-D worlds are complex, rich with many parts. The information needed to render and animate a scene is best organized across many files, each providing valuable detail about one aspect of the scene, such as the geometry of a castle, the colorful design of a flag, or the complex animation of dragon fire.

Acorn calls each file a resource. Each resource's location is specified using a uniform resource locator (or URL), a schema that delivers on the Web3D vision of Internet-delivered 3-D worlds. When loaded, a resource always results in a part.

To make sense of this concept, let's explore several common resource scenarios, beginning with entering a new world.

A Brave New World

Entering a new world is as easy as visiting a website. You specify its address, for example: // The 3-D browser knows this is shorthand for

A world located on a local storage device might have the Url: file://c/user/public/worlds/futureworld (/world.acn is assumed to follow).

As you see, the default resource name for any world is world.acn. The .acn extension means the resource is an Acorn program.

The world.acn program defines the World part. For example:

#  Future World. (c) Magic Immersion, Inc.
	# Specify the entry scene
	entry: @xanadu/xan_scene.acn

	# lots more stuff that sets up the world
	# ...

The Web3D browser loads and executes this Acorn program. The World part it defines will be returned and assigned by the browser to the global variable $, which represents the current world.

The browser then initializes the world's rules, such as the physics of how things move and collide, and how explorers interact with it. Details on how the World Part works are explained in helpful depth in the World Object Model.

For this chapter, let's focus on the 'entry' attribute, which specifies the scene to render for any explorer that enters the world.

Setting the Stage

Acorn uses the at sign (@) to specify a resource that needs to be loaded. In this case, 'xanadu/xan_scene.acn' is a relative Url pointing to the Xanadu scene resource. It is a relative Url, because its actual location is relative to the Url of the resource requesting it. That means its complete Url is: "".

xan_scene.acn is another Acorn program, which might look like this:

# Xanadu: The Paradise Island
	name: 'Xanadu'

	# The scene's parts:
	@terrain.acn                    # the island land and sea
	@clocktower.acn                 # the clock tower
	@//   # another site's dragon creature

This is generally how resources are progressively loaded. The world program is a skeletal framework that establishes generic world information and "points" to the location and name of a specific scene resource to load. The scene resource specifies all of its parts, each with its own Url address. Scene parts may specify the parts they own, and so on, going as deep as necessary. Acorn loads all these resources and properly stitches them together.

A world's resources do not have to all be found on the same site. The scene's dragon creature demonstrates the flexibility in using Urls to load resources, as this part is owned (and managed) by a completely different organization (Fantanimals) which creates and makes available fantastical beast for use in other worlds.

Although most parts are Acorn program, they do not have to be. For example, the clock tower part could be an Entity which specifies its 3-D shape (the mesh) and texture skin (material). Neither of these two part resources are Acorn programs.

	name: 'Clock Tower'
	at:   Tm[1504., 884.5, 10.45]
	mesh: @clocktower.mesh
	skin: @clocktower.mat

Type Resources

Let's imagine the scene also includes many trees of different sizes and species. We want trees that can bend and blow in the wind, a type of part that "Trees Unlimited" licenses for use. Our scene would first need to load up the type definition for Tree. Then it could use the type to add trees to the scene:

	Tree =

	Tree[type: oak; age: 2; at: Tm[15,20,10]]
	Tree[type: elm; age: 5; at: Tm[104,22,8]]
	# lots more trees here, along with the castle, statue and tower.

The use of the require block is pretty important here, due to how resource loading works. In general, when a resource is being loaded from a Url, Acorn may return a "blank" value at first, replacing it with the loaded part once the resource has been fully loaded (which might take a while).

For some parts, this may not be a significant problem as the not-yet-loaded parts are simply not rendered or active. However, a type resource needs to be fully loaded before the rest of the scene code is executed, so that the creation of Trees actually works.


Although it is not necessary for every part to be a separate resource, this part-based modularity can be very convenient for maintaining an evolving, growing world.

Although Acorn is well-suited for defining static 3-D content, a content-based standard for 3-D risks limiting ourselves to creating view-only worlds. To make our 3-D worlds "sticky", we need to set them in motion and make them compulsively interactive. To accomplish that, let's explore Acorn's procedural capabilities which bring static content to life.
